Getting married in Pattaya is easy however getting the marriage registered requires a trip to Bangkok for 2-3 days. Most do not do this and simply had all their documents in to our solicitors in Pattaya for attention. With our head office in Bangkok we are able to register your marriage faster than anyone else.
When getting married in Pattaya most foreigners have no idea as to how to start the process and how to take their wife or fiancee back to their home country. This is where our solicitors in Pattaya will be able to be of great assistance to you. Firstly you need to obtain your documents in Bangkok if you want to do it yourself. You need to obtain a letter from your embassy called a letter of affirmation. This letter tells the Thai government that you are able to marry a Thai citizen. If you are divorced or your wife had died then you need to have a copy of the divorce decree or death certificate. Usually this takes 24 hours to obtain.
Once you have obtain this letter the letter needs to be verified by the Thai government. This is done by the Department of Foreign Affairs near the old airport in Bangkok. This will take another day as it takes them on average 4-5 hours to verify the letter from your embassy. What they will do is to verify the document and then to stamp ‘verified as true and correct’ on the back of your letter. This letter now has to be take to the local district office.
This you can do in Bangkok or file the documents in Pattaya. This document will allow the Amphur’s Office to issue you with a marriage certificate. Once this is done and you are wanting to take your new wife back to your home country, you need to file the needed paperwork for this.
If you are and American you can file for a Spouse Visa at our offices in Pattaya or if you are a British citizen then you would have to also start collecting all your documents for a Spouse Visa for the UK. You need to meet the financial requirements of your country and you would also have to prove that the relationship is valid and true. If your wife has ever overstayed a visa in your home country then it is going to be tough to get the visa issued. Speak to our solicitor in Pattaya about what would be needed.
Pattaya has many ‘consultants’ however if you have property and need a solicitor in Pattaya then look no further than Law Firm in Pattaya near the Pattaya bus station. Talk to us today on our main website via chat messenger or call us on our tollfree UK and US telephone numbers. Best yet simply walk into our offices in Pattaya for guidance and assistance.
Do it today!